Ładowanie Wydarzenia
  • OD 15 cze
  • DO 6 lip

Peru- Cordillera Blanca


Our trekking will take place in the unique ice mountains- the Cordillera Blanca. This massif is famous for its wonderful steep peaks covered with ice. The most well known mount of this massif is Alpamayo. It’s an amazing ice cathedral which, together with Materhorn is one of the most well known mountains in the world. According to many plebiscites carried out by mountain magazines its the most beautiful iceberg in the World. It’s a dream of the climbers from all over the world. The peak is situated in the Santa Cruz massif in the part of the Cordillera Blanka that is the most forwarded to the north. It’s 5947 metres high , and although it is sourranded by other peaks of this massif, it’s eye catching mainly due to its shape. The peak was first ascended in 1957 by German climbers Hausser and Huhn. Alpamayo is not the only famous mountain in the Cordillera Blanca. Its neibours are, among others, Characraju, caled a mountain-butcher, reached by Messner Yerupaja and described by L.Terray. The action of the most famous mountain book by Joe Simpson “Touching the void” took place here. We can’t forget also about Huascaran, 6800 metres high giant, which is the highest mountain in Peru and one of the biggest in North America. All of the mountains mentioned here are characterized by a big amount of snow and amazing snow formations. The climat in the Cordillera Blanka is tropical. During the rainy seasons there are heavy rains. The best time to go trekking is June-August, when it’s dry and the weather is stable.

We are going to get the base camp, at the foot of the mountain, to admire the mountain at close range. Next we’ll continue trekking, facing the passes that reach the height of 4750 on our way. We’ll also have the opportunity to admire all of the biggest and most spectacular mountains including Chacraraju and Huascaran. During the trekking we will use the donkeys portering our luggage. The temperatures during a day are very different than the temperatures at night. At night it shouldn’t be colder than -10. You must be prepared for about a week of walking, 6-7 hours a day, together about 80 km. Trekking on great heights demands more preparation and effort. We suggest that you train before setting out, the best way is to walk in our mountains. It’s also worth to go running or do other sports. During the trekking there aren’t any climbing difficulties so you don’t need any special equipment.
Apart from Alpamayo we plan to visit other amazing places. Nazca lines are the net of lines curved on the desert in the first century of our era. The lines are combined in a huge images of animals and birds. They are so enormous that you can’t see them from any point on the Earth. They can be observed only from the plane. Lake Titicaca is the highest situated lake where people can sail. It is located at the height of 3810 metres.On the lake there are some islands built of cane, inhabited by Uru Indians. They chose this way of life to escape from a bossy tribe Aymara. According to the legend, on one of the island the first Inca was born.
Machu Piccu, lost city of Incas covered with the jungle, was rediscovered after the years of oblivion. Probably, it was the place of the god of sun worship, where people used to make sacrifice of women. The scenery of Machu Piccu is incredible.
Chachani, 6075 metres high, is one of the most accesible 6 thousand metres high mountain. It is the destination of our expedition..
Apart from the attractions mentioned above we can also visit;
Islas Balejas on Pacific Ocean, famous for the pods of seals, walruses and schools of whales.
Colca canyon, one of the deepest canyons on the earth. Its bottom was swam along by Poles. Above the canyon we can admire flying condors.
It is impossible to take part in this expedition if great heights and tropical climate are harmful to your health. Before the expedition it’s worth to get vaccinated against jaundice of A and B type and tetanus.



12 900 pln

The price includes:the organisation of the expedition, flight Warsaw-Lima-Warsow (possible from Berlin), coach transfer on routes Lima- Cashapampa, Huaraz- Nazca, Nazca- Puno- Cuzco, flight with the local airlines: Cuzco- Lima, the organisation of the trekking around Alpamayo, permits, tents, donkeys-porters, accomodation in hotels and tourist class hotels, in the mountains accomodation in mountaineering tents, food (2 meals a day), in the mountains a cook and full board, accident and sickness insurance, climbing insurance, the cost of the special train Ollaytamtambo- Machu Piccu, the cost of transfer and accomodation at Tititaca.

The price doesn’t include: flight taxes (40$), the flight over Nazca (50$), entrance fees and the costs of sightseeing, excess luggage (which rarely appears), alcohol, ascending Chachani (6075m) 70$- 90 $, Islas Balejas 30$, Colca canyon 20- 30$, sea safari- 10 $.



To confirm your reservation, please, pay 4500 for the ticket till the end of march.



We meet at the Okęcie airport, from where we fly to Lima. In case of a big difference in price the flight takes place from Berlin (the organiser provides the transport to the airport). After arrival to Lima we go to Huaraz by bus, as soon as possible. The travel to Huaraz takes about 6-8 hours. After the arrival we check in a hotel. Huaraz is a city similar to Zakopane, however, the mountains there are more powerfull and it is situated at the height of over 3500 metres. In the city we buy the food and the gas for the trekking and get the information about the current conditions on the trail. After a night or two in Huaraz we go to Cashapampa (3000m, the last town on the route), where we spend a night, on our way we can admire beautifull Huascaran (6780m). In Cashapapama our trekking starts. It lasts about 4-5 days, depending on the conditions. We hire the donkeys which will carry our luggage. Next day is intended for ascending the camp Ichicoca. We ascend through the beautiful valley of Santa Cruz at the height of 3700m. The camp is picturesquely situated at the lake. Next day we get to the base camp at the foot of Alpmayo, at the height of 4200 m.

Next day we descend to the Santa Cruz Valley. We spend a night at Lake Tullicocha, situated at the height of 4400m, at the end of the Santa Cruz Valley. We get up early to ascend the Punta Union pass (4750m) before the clouds gather. From the pass we can admire one of the most beautiful views in the massif. The best are the views on Taulliraju, Artesonraju i Alpamayo. From the pass, going past the mountain lakes we go down to Hauripampa valley. We spend night in Quenualpampa (3800m). We go down the valley , however, after some time we have to go uphill again, to climb the next pass. From this pass there is a wonderful view on the mountain Chopicallpi. We spent a night somewhere around the pass at the height of 4400m.
The last day of trekking is one of the most spectacular days of the expedition. We ascend 4800 metres high pass, Portachuelo, from where we can admire a spectacular view on Huascaran and Huandoy. From this pass we descend to Llanganuco valley. We go past the mountain lake llanganuco and Oroncocha and get to the end of the valley. The same day we set off to Huaraz , where we spend a night in a hotel.
From this moment we start sightseeing. Through Lima, by coach we get to Nazca. We hire small Cessna airplanes there, to admire the mysterious lines on the ground. They are so huge that they can be seen only from a great height. Thay can’t be seen from any point on the
Earth. From Nazca there is a possibility to go to Pisco and go on a cruise to see the pods of seals and the schools of whales on the Pacific Ocean. Our next destination is Arequipa, and Chachani, the peak towering over the city. Ascending it takes two days and crampons and ice axes are indispensible. There is no glacier, however, so ascending it is ideal for the tourists who want to cross the magical boarder of 6000metres. Around Arequipa there is also the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world. It is possible to descend to the bottom of the canyon, this trip takes 2-3 days. From Arequipa we go by coach to Puno, from where we get at the shore of Titicaca Lake, which is the highest situated lake where people can sail. It is situated at the height of 3800 above the sea level. We use the characteristic cane boat to get to the cane islands inhabited by Uru Indians. There is a possibility to spend a night on the island. Next we go back to Puno.
From Puno we go to Cuzco, a city famous for a great amount of monumental ruins from the Incas and Christian times. From Cuzco we set off to visit Machu Piccu, the most famous ruins on the Earth, the lost Incas’ city. Depending on the remaining time a 3 days trekking through the jungle to the ruins or a travel by a special train is possible. After visiting the city we come back to Cuzco, from where we fly to Lima. From Lima we return to Poland.

Day by day itinerary:

– flight to Lima
– travel to Huaraz, shopping, organization matters
– 4-7 of trekking or 8 days of climbing. 7 days of trekking allows us to see Alpmayo from the most beautiful side
– return to Huaraz and Lima (possibility of return to Poland)
– travel to Pisco – the possibility of the cruise to Islas Balejas and admiring walruses and whales
– travel to Nazca- the possibility of flying above the famous Nazca lines.
– travel to Arequipa- the possibility of seeing the Colca Canyon and ascending 6 thousand metres high Chachani (6075m.), one of the easiest to ascend 6 thousand metres high mountains.
– travel to Puno- cruise on Titicaca
travel to Cuzco- sightseeing
– travel by train to Machu Piccu
– sightseeing in Machu Piccu
– return to Cuzco
– the possibility of seeing solars
– flight Cuzco- Lima
– flight to Poland



– Shoes, the best are light trekking shoes 1-1,5 size too big (warm and durable), especially on Chachani it’s worth to have good shoes
– Warm and thick thermal socks 2-3 pairs, other socks (the best anti-sweat)
– Polar fleece trausers – polar 100
– Wind and water proof trousers ( goretex etc.)
– Safari trousers with detachable trouser legs
– Sandals or other light shoes
– Short sleeved t-shirts (breathable cotton )
– 2 Polar fleece jackets – polar 200 or 1 polar fleece jacket – polar 200 and 1 polar fleece jacket – polar 300
– Polar fleece blouse – polar 100 as a warm underwear
– Wind and water proof jacket (the best made of goretex)
– Polar gloves – 2 pairs
– Gloves protecting from wind e.g. goretex over-mitts and warm skiing gloves
– hat protecting from cold
– hat or cap protecting from the sun
– Telescopic sticks
– Trekking gaiters
– sleeping bag (min -10 C; synthetic – min 1,5 kg or down-filled – min. 1 kg )
– thick foam pad or a self-blowing mattress
– NRC foil
– articles of toilet
– toilet paper, 2 rolls
– big rucksack (70l)
– small rucksack (40l)
– headlamp with spare batteries (the best LED)
– camping burner ( cylinders C 190, the ones that must be used after being fixed and cannot be dismantled when they contain the gas inside), in case you decide to hire a cook, the burner will not be necessery, however it may come in handy.
– cutlery
– mess tin (the same as with burner)
– knife
– vacuum flask 0,7- 1 l,
– glacier glasses, chemical warming agents
– the copy of the passport
– bike locks to fasten the luggage
– if you want to ascend El Misti (5800) or Chachani (6070), take crampons adjusted to your shoes

Termin wyjazdu

15 cze 2025 - 6 lip 2025
